
Thank you very much for visiting the home page of Ability Agent Corporation. We are supporting job offering and occupation changes.

I have heard that Japanese economy is fluctuating by the cycle of approximately 40 years. While new university graduates entered a company which was gaining the maximum profit year by year, they sometimes feel that business environment has dramatically changed after 10 or 20 years. However, they have chances to utilize their technology or skill obtained before.

We arrange such opportunities for engineers and project managers and so on. For example, a car used to be a representative of mechanical product, but now it has changed to be an electronic product now. Automobile industry needs electronic engineers and software engineers. We support business customers for such job offering.

We carry on “An appropriate person in the appropriate position” considering changes in business environment, and are especially good at occupation changes between different industries. In each case, we provide introduction based on a long-term career path of each applicant. It is our motto that both business customers and applicants feel “I am very happy to choose this position or person.” and vice versa after assignment. Thank you again.

Ability Agent Corporation, President, Tomoko Terada

About Ability Agent Corporation

Company NameAbility Agent Corporation
OfficeToranomon 1-1-21
Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Date of EstablishmentJune 1st, 2016
Paid-in Capital6.5 million yen
License Number by Japanese Government12-ユ-300510
Correspondent BankMizuho Bank, Ltd.
The Joyo Bank Ltd.